Life Seeds

This is an anthology of pieces, stories, poems, and statements that are designed to resonate with my readers, wherever you are or whoever you are.

Every page in the online collection is in a day of you.

Every day provides issues that lead to thought-provoking elements that will stir cognitive processes in your mind.

Hopefully, a day can prick your conscience and lead to more positive actions from you in your own life. Our mindsets need to be developed carefully and positively, as we as individuals need to be first and foremost in control of our lives as far as possible. Information, education and knowledge are key to any potential longevity for success in any given area.

So read with an open mind and allow firstly the debate in your own mind and then with others.

Hey England! we are here, we are home.

Hey England! We are here, we are home. Striving for a better life, England was their choice. Answering the call of the ‘Mother Country’ to a cold, damp and dark island, As British subjects they arrived, jobs, money, stability, ‘we might go home in five’ But soon...

Dealing with loss

Dealing with loss

Our Loss For someone, somewhere today the sorrow and the sadness seems too much to bear, your nearest and dearest is no longer there. The memories flood in of how it used to be, your smile, the simple things you used to do and say and do that were just simply you....

Life Seeds 1

Just Say NO

The art of saying NO! I sit here in the car dealership waiting for my car to be looked at. Whilst in the waiting area with other customers sipping my coffee a father enters with his son who looks to be approximately 3 or 4 years old. The young boy looks full, of...

Life Seeds 2

The Life Seeds – Finding the leader in you

Finding the leader in you Who is a leader? This is this kind of person born this way with certain attributes that determine that they will be able to dominate other people with their style and demeanour?  Who leads you? Who is your guide? If you believe in God will...

Life Seeds 3

The Life Seeds – An anthology of experiences

Preface Every page in this book is in a day in the life of you, me or someone we may know. The Seeds of Life has thought provoking elements that will stir the cognitive processes in your mind. You will search deeply to find, understand, or relate to the piece that...