The Life Seeds – Finding the leader in you

Finding the leader in you

Who is a leader? This is this kind of person born this way with certain attributes that determine that they will be able to dominate other people with their style and demeanour?  Who leads you? Who is your guide? If you believe in God will you say that he is the ultimate shining light, the only leader?

Life Seeds 2

Early theories like ‘The Great Man’ theory states that most great leaders are born great and therefore have the inbuilt drivers and characteristics to lead. Later theories focused on developed behaviour over time that gives you the ability to lead.

Think about where you currently sit in your own personal life cycle, you want to move forward in some particular direction be it today tomorrow, next month or next year, are you waiting for someone to take you there, to lead you to where you want to go and deliver you from your current state?

The truth simply is this; you will need to play a very key role in moving forward no matter what level of ambition you have, so understand leadership is not for the few but for all of us it is simply a method or a process that once used effectively can enhance the way you live.


Think about leadership at home, at work, in a group setting. Couple this with the need to achieve a particular result. Assess the lead-time to complete your task and measure this with your intended outcome. Now use this trait to help deliver a speedier end result.


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