Dealing with loss

Our Loss

For someone, somewhere today the sorrow and the sadness seems too much to bear, your nearest and dearest is no longer there. The memories flood in of how it used to be, your smile, the simple things you used to do and say and do that were just simply you.

People around will come look and stare, smile or frown and themselves appear lost in the mist of the time. The mind is still ablaze with all sorts of thoughts of the past, and for the future. The metamorphosis is happening sometimes cold, sometimes warm and sometimes empty.

Dealing with loss

The evening falls not feeling hungry at all, I stand by the window sipping a cup of tea experiencing the warmth of the tea but apparently devoid of taste buds which have clearly deserted me, why has this happened to me with places still yet to go, things still yet to do, and now I cannot do them because I am without you.

Whilst writing this piece my phone rings, it is a dear friend who breaks some disturbing news of how whilst away on a mini break he attends spontaneously a charity boxing event where he witnesses a middle age boxer collapse and sadly pass away in the ring.

What a shock this must be for everyone in attendance, what was supposed to be a fun and entertaining evening out, all for a good cause ends in such a way.

The family and close friends now enter a difficult period of mourning their loss. May he R.I.P

Everything changes now for his family and friends, absolutely everything. Family plans, get-togethers, holidays, parties, etc. Family and friends who initially were looking forward to a fabulous evening out, now have to press on with life down an unexpected and difficult road.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family.


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