Politics in the new media landscape
As we move into what is predicted to be an extremely difficult period for the country economically. What with the ‘cost of living crisis’, public service employees striking, unstable market economies, and the Ukraine war. I will give you my take on matters concerning the mix of politics, economics and other key factors that may impact all of our lives in the months and years to come.
Firstly, take a moment to think about who you had voted for in past general and local elections. Let your mind reflect and wonder for a moment as you consider the rationale that informed your decision to place that big strong ‘X’ alongside the name of the political candidates you wanted to lead and represent your voice.
Many people regularly choose not to vote, citing the fact that they feel the politicians are all the same, or that it makes no difference whatsoever who is at the helm. Playing a big part in voter apathy, must be the lack of identity, or not feeling a sense of belonging, as the gateways and conduits of life, are not kind to you for one reason or another. For Black Britain’s I would suggest taking a read of Afua Hirsh’s book, entitled ‘BRITish’. It is crucial to understand who you are, where you come from, and where you are going. Afua does this through discovery of her mixed heritage roots, which clearly has educated and informed her about the person she is today.

Is this politics or folly tricks?…
Most people, I assume will vote the same way in most elections, with decisions based around historical voting behaviour, and habits akin to lifestyle, and other general or influential reference group factors. Today however, is this still the case?
The dynamic and fierce methods of new marketing imposed on us by the internet and social media has led, in my opinion to some of our decisions being no longer managed in full by us. But instead this is heavily influenced by what you read or listen too in the main media.
TV, radio and newspapers increasingly want you to consider and consume online information in the fullest possible form, as these are fully interactive platforms that invite you to take part in any battle of words, regardless of your background or qualifications.
Your behaviours, in terms of social media likes, can be monitored and watched closely prior to parties distributing content in abundance to support the subject you may have taken an interest in. This coupled with the power of online advertising designed to suck you in, is having a major impact on our life and the decisions we make. Is this politics or folly tricks?
The repetition and reinforcement is designed to capture you and lead you to a position. Ultimately, this position will lead to you sitting on the left or right on the political spectrum. Cue the next General Election.

Pic: Rwendland, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
How do you think matters will fare for you?
So, before the next general election in approximately two years – the end of January 2025, the key focus in the world of politics will be centred on the economy, the cost of living, and taxes. Workers conditions and immigration will also be used in an attempt to win votes.
There is also a new political party in town. It is the True and Fair Party, led by the calm, intelligent and dynamic Gina Miller. Could she put a dent in matters? as she aims to clean up politics, and fight corruption. She has, and quite adeptly, carved out key policies, and a mantra that indicates that her party will make an impact, in my opinion. The true and fair party have several candidates already primed and ready to stand, Gina herself will stand too.
How do you think matters will fare for you? Crucially in the world of political parties, it is how the main parties can manipulate or move the dial on social media, so as to directly influence you and your voting decision. In addition to these ever evolving tactics, who are the key online voices with huge numbers following them? Will they help to swing or move supporters?
With Sir Keir Starmer currently ahead in the polls (Mar 2023), this can only now result in a fierce battle on all fronts.
Hold on to your seats as it could be a bumpy ride.
Some early thoughts and questions:
- Who is your local MP?
- Who is your local councillor/s?
- Have you interacted or communicated with either?
- Do you intend to vote in the next general election?
- Did you vote in the 2016 EU membership referendum?
If you answered in the following fashion:
(1) Don’t know (2) Don’t know (3) No (4) No (5) No.
Then this piece will not make interesting reading for you at all.
Any other mix of responses would mean that you have enough political engagement to cast an eye across this article and give a modicum of time and thought to the subject. It may even spur you into an extended thought pattern around the issue, and reposition your mind around the next General Election, as this one according to latest polling would see us with a new party in power – a Labour Government.
Would Keir be your choice?
For Black Britain, does it matter who we vote for? Does it make any difference to us at all? Well, we need to ensure we ask questions of anyone that will hold power over us, and are supposed to represent us locally and nationally. Operation Black Vote (OBV) will surely have lots to say in the lead up to any election, along with their rallying cry around voter registration. Let us start now! Engage, talk, and be ready.
I will be back soon with another piece on all matters general election 2024/25.
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